PS70: Intro to Digital Fabrication

Final Project

Table of contents

I have two ideas

PassioGo Tracker

MBTA Tracker Inspired by MBTA tracker.

I came across this website TrainTrackr from a FB ad which tracks the MBTA trains in real time. I thought it would be cool to make a similar website for the Harvard Shuttle’s on PassioGo since the app is so bad.

Hydroponic Indoor Herb Greenhouse

I love cooking, and my number one biggest pet peeve is having to go to the grocery store to buy fresh herbs. It’s likely that I will continue to live in places without a garden, so it will be hard to grow my own herbs outside plus the climate in the north-east isn’t suited for year-round herbs. Oh, and I’m also really bad at taking care of plants, so whatever I try and grow has to be automated.

  1. Herbs go bad real fast and freezing them doesn’t really work.
  2. They’re kinda expensive (at least it adds up real fast) and you can’t get a good variety at the store.
  3. You always need a herb that you don’t want.

AeroGarden Aerogardens are kinda expensive (~$200), crowds easily and not very modular.

Specifications and goals

  1. Modular system - stack them vertically, each plant in it’s own container
  2. As automated as possible - microcontroller, sensors, grow lights + reflectors, water pumps, etc.
  3. Low maintenance

Bill of materials

  1. Microcontroller (reading sensors, controlling pumps, lights, etc.)
  2. Motor (for controlling the angle of the lights)
  3. Water pump (water flow) and air pump (oxygen)
  4. Various sensors, initial research suggests
    1. electrical conductivity probe
    2. pH sensor
    3. water temperature sensor
    4. air temperature/humidity sensor
  5. Grow lights and power supply
  6. Reflectors (Can be made through laser cutting and cheap reflective material)
  7. 3D printed parts (e.g. container to hold each plant)
  8. Small OLED/LCD screen
  9. PVC piping or large rectangular container (not important yet since the prototype will be small)

Project plan

  1. Design hydroponic system and research potential improvements over AeroGarden design (03/05/23)
  2. Prototype initial system design using available electronics and currently available or 3D printable parts. E.g. A small one-plant container with water pump, air-pump, and some sensors. (03/15/23)
    1. Design system and 3D print parts (03/15/23)
    2. Get initial circuit and microcode written for the system (03/15/23)
    3. Test with small easy to grow plant such as lettuce, basil or scallions.
  3. Improve system based on initial testing and prototype and design a larger hydroponic system that can handle 6 plants at a time. Making sure that system is modular to be expanded. (03/25/23)
  4. Make the first iteration of the 6-plant modular hydroponic system. (04/05/23)
  5. Re-design and iterate and create the final project of the hydroponic system. (04/15/23)